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My name is Mike Bailey and I am what is commonly known as a fishing fanatic.
I have been fishing since I was a young lad in England. As a kid my Dad and I would fish small ponds as part of the local angling club for many different coarse fish species. At 14 years old I moved to Canada with a whole new world of fishing to explore.
My obsession as my Mum would call it became bass fishing tournaments. Throughout my career in automotive engineering I was lucky to travel the world , fishing as I went until I finally settled here in Thailand with my beautiful wife Boom and daughter Michelle.
We have spent the last 10 years developing our fishery Exotic Fishing Thailand Co Ltd into one of Thailand’s premier fisheries. The most difficult challenge was to find the perfect site to dig the lake which literally took over 1 year of driving in target areas and looking for land with suitable water sources in stunning surroundings.
Finally one day acting on a tip from a friend and his wife we found the ultimate piece of Jungle paradise with stunning Mountain views and most importantly a mountain spring to feed our future lake. After a minefield of bureaucracy we purchased the land through our Thai company and started the huge project of digging the 10+ acre lake. We decided to always err on the side of caution rather than take costly chances with the result being a stunning lake and perfect environment for our 60+ species of fish.
The lake bottom is primarily clay with several springs and varying bottom contours . Water depths are between 4 and maximum 5 meters with lots of specific fish feeding areas for those who take the time to experiment. After the lake was complete our next job was to build the Mountain view restaurant. Situated lakeside it is positioned so dining guests can have both spectacular lake and mountain views. The menu was developed with Thai and international dishes including a few Canadian and UK influenced favorites all priced to suit all anglers budgets. After living in a caravan style container for 4 years it was finally time to build our 5 Lake view bungalows with 10 suites available.
The most important part of their development was the positioning and elevation to build relative to the lake and mountain views and of course large windows. From the compliments we get I think we got it just right. The latest developments in the last 2 years include our 4 Mountain view Bungalows with a total of 8 suites which are just steps from our 20m x 10 m “Swimquarium” Pool with attached glass walled aquarium. The resort is always expanding with future projects planned so stay tuned for any new developments.
We hope to see you here one day soon.
Tight Lines
Mike, Boom, Michelle and the Exotic Fishing Thailand Team
Tel: Eng +66 (0 ) 88 379 9377